   Copyright 1995 by the CREATION RESEARCH SOCIETY (CRS), Inc.
   *Creation Research Society Quarterly*, Volume 32, Number 1
                          (June, 1995)
note: Article titles are in quotes. 
      Abstracts are enclosed by [[ ]].
"Wernher von Braun: The Father of Modern Space Flight -- A
Christian and a Creationist." by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. pp. 7-10.
[[ The life and work of Wernher von Braun, the father of modern
space flight, is reviewed, focusing on his achievements and his
creationist world view.  A staunch supporter of creationism, he
openly made his views known about his conclusion that the
universe is clearly designed by an all-powerful God and that the
creationist world view should be taught in the schools alongside
the evolutionary world view.  His life shows evolutionists that
creationism is an entirely adequate explanation for the reality
around us, and that a theistic world view, where God is not only
the Creator but also Sustainer, is a defensible position. ]]
"Late Cretaceous Epeiric Sea or Retreating Floodwater?" by Carl
R. Froede, Jr., B.S., P.G. pp. 13-16.  
[[ The uniformitarian Middle to Late Cretaceous seaway of North 
America serves as an interesting feature in earth's past. Much 
paleontological work has been performed and many environmental 
reconstructions have been attempted to determine conditions 
during this time. What does this period of time hold for young 
earth creationists? This paper examines the uniformitarian 
Cretaceous seaway within the young earth Creation/Flood model 
and suggests that this seaway did exist, but only as Flood 
waters slowly receded from the North American continent. ]] 
"A Review of Claims About _Archaeopteryx_ in the Light of the
Evidence." by Ernst Lutz, Ph.D. pp. 18-21.  
[[ _Archaeopteryx_ has widely been claimed to be the 
outstanding piece of evidence for macro-evolution in general 
and for evolution from reptiles to birds in particular. But 
while it is the oldest known bird and also an interesting mosaic 
containing some features also found in reptiles, there is 
neither evidence of a lineage from reptiles to _Archaeopteryx_ 
nor from it to any living birds. Further, and also most 
importantly, natural selection is inadequate as a possible 
mechanism to explain the descent of Archaeopteryx. In view of 
the evidence, science has oversold the case for _Archaeopteryx_ 
as a transitional form. ]] 
"Methodology for Analysis of Science Teaching Materials From a
Creationist World View." by Steve W. Deckard, Ed.D., Richard L.
Overman, Bryan A. Schneck, Candace B. Dixon, and Robert E.
Brook. pp. 25-27.  
[[ This article introduces a methodology for analyzing science 
materials for evidence of creationist content. The Institute 
for Creation Research tenets were used as a basis for the 
analysis. A field test of the methodology as used on four 
Christian publishers' science texts is presented. ]] 
"Providence Canyon, Stewart County, Georgia -- Evidence of
Recent Rapid Erosion." by Emmett L. Williams, Ph.D. pp. 29-43.
[[ In 10 years of observing the erosion of unconsolidated
sediments at Providence Canyon State Park in southwestern
Georgia, it is concluded that catastrophic events are more
devastating or ruinous than slow, gradual processes.  More
erosional work was accomplished during a catastrophe than that
observed in previous and later years of "normal" erosion.  Also
the evidence of a catastrophic erosional and depositional event
can be obscured by later "normal" erosional processes. ]]
"Polar Dinosaurs and the Genesis Flood." by Michael J. Oard,
M.S. pp. 47-56.  
[[ Many dinosaur fossils have recently been discovered at polar 
latitudes. Warm-climate vegetation is also found at these 
latitudes. However, general circulation climate models 
consistently show that mid and high latitude continental areas 
would be very cold in winter during the Cretaceous and early 
Tertiary. This contradictory information is difficult for the 
uniformitarian scientist to explain. The creationist model 
offers at least three possible solutions to this mystery. One 
solution is especially emphasized because it also provides a 
possible solution to two creationist problems: 1) billions of 
dinosaur tracks found around the world and 2) dinosaur nests 
with newly hatched baby dinosaurs. Both of these events occurred 
on top of thousands of meters of Flood sediment. It is proposed 
that a strip of land, roughly paralleling the continental divide 
of North America, was temporarily exposed during the first 150 
days of the Flood. ]] 
= "The Kouznetsov Controversy." by Don B. DeYoung, p. 10.
= "Surficial Replacement of Dinosaur Bone by Opal in Big Bend
National Park, Brewster County, Texas" by Carl R. Froede, Jr., p. 
= "Silica in Living Organisms." by Emmett L. Williams, p. 11.
= "Objections from Science to Global Flood." by Bill Yake, p. 12.
= "Criticisms of the Universal Flood Based on Unknowns: A Reply
to Mr. Yake." by William Waisgerber, p. 21.
= "Plant Survival, Floating Debris, and Soil:  An Answer to Yake." 
by Michael J. Oard, p. 22.
= "Where Are the Flood Waters? A Reply to Mr. Yake." by Carl R.
Froede, Jr., p. 23.
= "Seed Sprouting, Research, and the Global Flood." by George F.
Howe, p. 23.
= "Diatoms to Dinosaurs: The Size and Scale of Living Things." by 
Chris McGowan, 1994. (Carl R. Froede) p. 16.
= "Biblical Creationism." by Henry M. Morris, 1993. (Don B. DeYoung) 
p. 16.
= "Darwinism: Science or Philosophy?" symposium proceedings ed. by 
Jon Buell and Virginia Hearn, 1994. (Wayne Frair) p. 17.
= "Wrinkles in Time." by George Smoot and Keay Davidson, 1993. (Don 
B. DeYoung) p. 17.
= "Voyage to the Planets." by Richard Bliss and Don B. DeYoung, 
1994. (Clifford L. Lillo) p. 24.
= "Creation and Time: A Biblical and Scientific Perspective on
the Creation-Date Controversy." by Hugh Ross, 1994. (Danny R. 
Faulkner) p. 43.
= "The Great Ice Sheet and Early Vikings in Mid-America." by Orval 
Friedrich, 1993. (Clifford L. Lillo) p. 44.
= "Starlight and Time: Solving the Puzzle of Distant Starlight in a 
Young Universe." by D. Russell Humphreys, 1994. (Emmett L. Williams) 
p. 45.
= "Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos." by Dennis Overbye, 1992. (Don B. 
DeYoung) p. 46.
= "The Hidden History of the Human Race." by Michael Cremo and 
Richard Thompson, 1994. (Peter Line) p. 46.
= "Creation Scientists Answer Their Critics." by Duane T. Gish, 
1993. (Emmett L. Williams) p. 60.
= "Creation: Facts of Life." by Gary Parker, 1994. (Wayne Frair) p. 
= "Dedication to David Boylan." by Don B. DeYoung, p. 5.
= "Instructions to Authors."
= "Editors' Comments." by Eugene F. Chaffin and George F. Howe, p. 
= "Resources for Research and Publication -- Lab Director's
Report." by John R. Meyer, p. 28.
= "Title / Author Index to Volume 31 of CRSQ." by George F. Howe, p. 
This photograph by Emmett Williams shows a contact between the
Providence and the Clayton (caprock) Formations at Providence
Canyon, Stewart County, Georgia.  Rapid erosion here is a
tribute to the great changes that catastrophic events can
accomplish in a very short time.  The two boys in the center of
the photograph lend perspective.  See page 29 for this
fascinating research report.
In a narrow sense, scientists sometimes view their subject as
the study of phenomena which can be analyzed by using
experimental procedures.  By way of contrast, origins is a
broader survey of how the scientific subjects themselves came
into being.  CRSQ combines both origins and science in every
Research magazines contain firsthand accounts of current
laboratory or field investigations.  Review periodicals, on the
other hand, are replete with articles in which only the past
literature is scrutinized and summarized.  The Creation Research
Society Quarterly contains both research and review reports. 
Some of our articles are both research and review essays at once.
Popular scientific journals contain fluffy features with little
technical information and only fragmentary documentation. 
Scholars reading such magazines are left wondering what the
details really are.  Conversely, authors and editors of
technical magazines take it for granted that all readers will be
privy to the confusing subtleties and the esoteric vocabulary of
their particular fields.  As a result, a physicist may gain very
little by reading an article in a journal of stratigraphy and
vice versa!  Any issue of CRSQ, however, contains both technical
and popular features.  Even the technical articles in this
journal are edited with an eye for cross-disciplinary
communication and a general appeal.
All of the above factors mean that the CRSQ is our best attempt
to accomplish what the Apostle Paul himself pulled off when he
became "all things to all men."  The extent to which these goals
are being fulfilled is a "tribute" to God's grace and volunteer
labor because CRS has no paid staff of authors, editors, or
proofreaders.  When it comes to promotion, we depend on you, our
readers, to keep on purchasing and pushing the CRSQ.  Consider
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Consult your local public and collegiate libraries to see if
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and CRS Books from becoming "the best kept secrets in scientific
To aid the reader who is interested in a particular subject, the 
CRSQ publishes a keyword index to each volume, usually in the 
September or December issue of the next volume. We request 
authors to provide a list of key words for the subjects addressed 
in their article. Authors should please note that this request 
has been added to the instructions for authors on page 5. 
Eugene Chaffin and George Howe, editors
                +   Creation Research Society   +
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