    Copyright 1995 by the CREATION RESEARCH SOCIETY (CRS), Inc.
     *Creation Research Society Quarterly*, Volume 32, Number 3
                          (December, 1995)
note: Article titles are in quotes. 
      Abstracts are enclosed by [[ ]].
"Why Did God Create Poisons and Toxins?" by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., 
pp. 126-130.
[[ The problem of toxicity is considered.  It is concluded that many 
myths exist about the subject of poisons and toxins.  A major one is 
that a dichotomy exists between poisonous and nonpoisonous chemicals 
when actually nothing is toxic in small levels, and all chemicals 
are toxic in high amounts.  Further, most all chemicals which have a 
high level of toxicity have an important function in life, and 
because compounds can be used in a harmful way does not negate their 
importance when used appropriately.  It is not the compound that is 
the problem, but the use. ]]
"_Carcharodon megalodon_: Is This the Antediluvian Great White 
Shark?" by Carl R. Froede, Jr., B.S., P.G., pp. 133-137.
[[ Sharks represent an interesting problem for uniformitarian 
paleontologists.  They suddenly appear fully formed in the Devonian 
Period with no apparent ancestors.  One shark species in particular, 
_Carcharodon megalodon_, is known from its abundant teeth found in 
rocks which "date" to the uniformitarian Miocene.  Some scientists 
have suggested that the "modern" great white shark (i.e., 
_Carcharodon carcharias_) might represent the same shark species as 
_C. megalodon_.  However, serious questions remain regarding whether 
these were the same species of shark.  While _C. megalodon_ and _C. 
carcharias_ are clearly within the same genus, they likely should 
remain as separate species.  Many young earth creationists believe 
that during the Antediluvian timeframe *both* mankind and animals 
had longer lifespans than at present.  _Carcharodon megalodon_, like 
the dinosaurs, are believed to have grown continually until they 
were killed, either during the catastrophic conditions associated 
with the Flood event, or they eventually died from old age (possibly 
post-Flood).  Longer periods of growth, proposed for the 
antediluvian timeframe, could have allowed _C. megalodon_ to grow to 
its maximum size potential.  Other environmental factors might still 
allow for the possibility that a living _C. megalodon_ might be 
found in the oceans of the planet. ]]
"Mid and High Latitude Flora Deposited in the Genesis Flood, Part 
II: A Creationist Hypothesis." by Michael J. Oard, M.S., pp. 138-
[[ A creationist hypothesis for mid and high latitude paleofloras, 
including the fossil "forests" on Axel Heiberg Island, is presented.  
This hypothesis is an extension of the floating log mat model during 
the Genesis Flood.  One ramification of this hypothesis is that most 
of the "Cenozoic land sediments likely were deposited in the Flood 
and not the post-Flood period.  Several other applications of this 
model are presented. ]]
"Nine New Species and a New Genus of Dominican Amber Ants of the 
Tribe (Cephalotini Hymenoptera: Formicidae." by Gijsbertus 
Vierbergen and Joachim Scheven, Ph.D., pp. 158-170.
[[ Fossils of Cephalotine ants are frequently encountered in 
Dominican amber.  Of 22 specimens examined, 18 belong to species not 
known from the Cephalotine fauna of today.  Four specimens could not 
be identified to the species level.  Five species of the genus 
_Zacryptocerus_ are described as _Z. alveolatus_ n.sp., _Z. 
integerrimus_ n.sp., _Z. obscurus_ n.sp., _Z. pseudo-aztecus_ n.sp., 
and _Z. squamosus_ n.sp., together with four species of the newly 
raised genus _Exocryptocerus_ (_E. elevatus_ n.sp., _E. serratus_ 
n.sp., _E. truncatus_ n.sp., and _E. jansei_ n.sp.).
The Cephalotine fauna of the Carribean of today is poor in regard to 
the past and consists of only four well-defined species.  This low 
number indicates a depauperation of the ant fauna and possibly the 
whole insect fauna in the Carribean.  Most likely this depauperation 
was caused by a geological and climatical change before or shortly 
after the Flood. ]]
"'Pithecanthropus IV': A Human Evolutionary Ancestor or an 
Artificial Reconstruction?" by Phil L. Davidson, M.A., pp. 174-178.
[[ In 1939 the remains of an early "hominid" were discovered in 
Java.  These remains have been interpreted as representing an 
intermediate form between _Australopithecus_ and _Homo erectus_.  
However, statistical and morphological data show these remains to be 
an artificial combination of disparate (dissimilar) skeletal 
elements. ]]
= "Botanical Research Highlights." by George F. Howe, pp. 142-143.
= "Dauphin Island, Alabama: Evidence for Rapid Erosion." by Carl R. 
Froede, Jr., pp. 143-148.
= "The Housetop Mountain Boulder Bed Member Described -- Part II on 
the Haymond Formation, Marathon Basin, Texas." by George F. Howe and 
Emmett L. Williams, pp. 148-154.
= "Reprinted CRSQ Volume 22." by Emmett L. Williams, pp. 178-180.
= "Editors' Comments." by Eugene F. Chaffin and George F. Howe, p. 
= "Unique Ways of Giving: Lab Director's Report." by John R. Meyer, 
p. 155.
= "President's Remarks." by Emmett L. Williams, p. 156.
= "Photo Essay: The Omnivorous Red Fox." by John R. Meyer and Glen 
W. Wolfrom, p. 157.
= "Some Initial Thoughts Regarding Catastrophic Plate Tectonics." by 
John K. Reed, Chris B. Bennett, Carl R. Froede, Jr., and Michael J. 
Oard, pp. 130-131.
= "Creation and the Cretaceous." by Tas Walker, pp. 131-132.
= "Another Embarrassing 'Early Man'." by Bolton Davidheiser, p. 132.
= "Correlating Tree Rings." by R.M. Porter, pp. 170-171.
= "Would the Global Flood Have Created a Big Mud Bowl? A Further 
Reply to Mr. Yake." by Carl R. Froede, Jr., p. 171.
= "Grand Canyon: Monument to the Flood." video by Steven A. Austin, 
1994. (Carl R. Froede, Jr.) p. 155.
= "The Golem: What Everyone Should Know About Science." by Harry 
= "Creationism in Twentieth-Century America." ed. by Ronald L. 
Numbers. (Don B. DeYoung) p. 172.
= "Extinction, Bad Genes or Bad Luck." by David M. Raup, 1991. 
(Jerry Bergman), p. 180.
= "The Evangelical Engagement with Science." conference sponsored by 
the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals. (John 
Goertzen) p. 182.
This series of three unique photographs by Jerry Whitesell shows a 
Red Fox in pursuit of and capturing a fox snake.  See the photo 
essay on page 157.
Two new features in this issue are introduced for your reading
interest and pleasure.  It seemed to us that once each year CRSQ
readers should hear directly from the president of the society. 
Down through these 32 years of CRS publications the president has
always set a tone for CRS activity.  Our current president is a
man who has willingly handled almost every task in CRS, at one
time or another, and sometimes all at once.  He was one of the
principal originators of our series of monographs (CRS Books) and
for years handled the storage and shipping.  When he took over as
senior editor of the Quarterly, he (like his predecessor, Harold
Armstrong) had no "associate editor" but performed both tasks
himself.  It was he who spearheaded the reprinting, promoting,
and reviewing of previous CRSQ issues.  He was the key member of
a three-person team that decided on Chino Valley and purchased
our present Van Andel Research Center (VARC) site.  Likewise he
was the research committee chairman who assisted John Meyer in
establishing VARC.  There is much more that reflects Emmett
William's commitment to God's work in CRS but let us just say
"Hats off!" as we read his annual column.
Our second novelty herein is labeled "Photo Essays."  We hope
these will become a continuing feature.  We invite interested
parties to submit to the editor striking photographs of God's
handiwork.  With the picture, please send a few well-documented
paragraphs stating how the photograph supports young-earth
creationism.  We are happy to introduce this series with Jerry
Whitesell's cover picture of the fox and fox snake and its
attendant essay by John Meyer and Glen Wolfrom.
We continue to encourage readers to promote the CRS Quarterly. 
Consider sending gift subscriptions to friends - both laymen and
technical people.  Feel free to correspond with the authors
themselves and to send Letters to the Editor for possible
Eugene Chaffin and George Howe
                +   Creation Research Society   +
                +        P.O. Box 376           +
                +  Chino Valley, AZ 86323-0376  +
                +            USA                +
                + (e-mail: CRSnetwork@aol.com)  +
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