Nou Testament - Catalan New Testament
Translation by Ramon Rocaspana

Published in 1999 by

Trinitarian Bible Society
Tyndale House, Dorset Road
London, SW19 3NN

Hard cover, 13,5 x 21 cm, 279 pp.

For orders:

Contact the Trinitarian Bible Society


The translation of the Bible to the Catalan language with rigorous care has been a project that has always met with many difficulties within the Evangelical Christian circles. Many contended that the Spanish Reina-Valera version sufficed. It is true that many of us Catalan Evangelical Christians have been raised with this glorious Spanish version that has circulated since 1569 and seen many careful revisions, and which has been at the root of the Evangelical movement in all the territories of Spain and of Spanish America. But Catalan Evangelical Christians sorely felt the need of a faithful version, true to the original texts, without Apocryphal books and without notes, through which the Holy Spirit could also talk to those of us that had grown from the cradle in the Catalan language. In Revelation, the Scripture says, in words addressed to John the Apostle: «Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings». It is therefore necessary that each language should have the testimony of Scripture, and the fact is that Catalan has been a language that for a long time has been lacking, with the circulation of versions of Scripture that were not really useful for public use at church meetings and for general Gospel work.

So it is gladly that we present this new version rooted in a Greek text representative of the huge mass of MSS. of the testimony of the Evangelists and Apostles, the great classical text known as Textus Receptus.

To order it, you can address yourself directly to the Trinitarian Bible Society.

A Sample

La Paràbola del Fill Pròdig

11 I digué: Un home tenia dos fills. 12 I el més jove digué al pare: Pare, dóna'm la part que em toca del patrimoni. I els va repartir els béns. 13 I després de no gaires dies, el fill més jove va aplegar totes les coses i se n'anà a una terra llunyana, i allí va malversar el seu patrimoni vivint dissolutament. 14 I quan ho hagué despès tot, vingué una gran fam en aquella terra i va començar a passar necessitat. 15 I anà i es va llogar a un dels ciutadans d'aquella terra, el qual el va enviar als seus camps a pasturar porcs. 16 I desitjava d'omplir el seu ventre amb les garrofes que menjaven els porcs, i ningú no li donava. 17 Llavors, va tornar en si i es digué: Quants jornalers del meu pare tenen pa en abundància, mentre jo m'estic morint de fam! 18 M'alçaré i aniré al meu pare, i li diré: Pare, he pecat contra el cel i contra tu, 19 i ja no sóc digne de ser anomenat fill teu, tracta'm com un dels teus jornalers. 20 I es va alçar i se n'anà cap al seu pare. I quan encara era lluny, el seu pare el va veure i en va tenir misericòrdia; i va córrer, se li tirà al coll i el besà. 21 I el fill li digué: Pare, he pecat contra el cel i contra tu, i ja no sóc digne de ser anomenat fill teu. 22 Però el pare digué als seus servents: Traieu la roba més bona i vestiu-lo, i poseu un anell en la seva mà i calçat als seus peus. 23 Porteu el vedell gras i mateu-lo. Mengem i fem festa: 24 Perquè aquest fill meu era mort, i ha tornat a la vida; estava perdut, i ha estat trobat. I van començar a fer festa. 25 I el seu fill gran era al camp; mentre venia i s'acostava a la casa va sentir música i danses. 26 Va cridar un dels criats i li preguntà què era allò. 27 I li digué: El teu germà ha vingut, i el teu pare ha matat el vedell gras, perquè l'ha recobrat amb salut. 28 Però es va enutjar, i no volia entrar. Llavors el seu pare va sortir i li pregava. 29 Però ell respongué i digué al seu pare: Vet aquí, tants anys que et serveixo sense que mai hagi transgredit cap manament teu, i a mi no m'has donat mai cap cabrit perquè faci festa amb els meus amics. 30 Però quan ha vingut aquest fill teu, que ha devorat els teus béns amb prostitutes, has matat per a ell el vedell gras. 31 Llavors li digué: Fill, tu sempre ets amb mi, i tot el que és meu és teu. 32 Però calia fer festa i alegrar-nos, perquè aquest germà teu era mort, i ha tornat a la vida, s'havia perdut, i ha estat trobat.

A Facsimile

A little bit of history

The Translator

Ramon Rocaspana was born in Lleida (in Spanish known as Lérida) in 1958, and he graduated as M.A. in Catalan Philology, with minors and parallel study in classical and koine Greek. For two additional years he did comparative language studies. He was substitute professor of historical Catalan grammar at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona, and is now professor of Secondary Education at the Guindavols High-School in Lleida.

Having become an earnest Christian, he started to read the Greek New Testament, which he obtained from the well known Atlàntida Book-Shop in Barcelona, and started to do a comparative study of different versions, working an interlinear presentation of the Greek original with translations as those published by the Monks of Montserrat, the translation published by the Evangelical Biblical Institution of Catalonia, and others.

In 1980, having become aware of the need of a modern Catalan translation, but avoiding liberties with respect to the originals, he started the task. He began with a translation draft, and in 1984 he contacted the Trinitarian Bible Society, which agreed to an eventual publication of the translation. The Gospel of John, finished in 1985, was published in 1989. The draft of the whole New Testament was ready by 1987. That year saw a first revision. After, in a coordinated endeavour between the Trinitarian Bible Society, Ramon Rocaspana and Mr. Milton Portugal, a Christian worker in the ministry in Cerdanyola del Vallès, a Reading and Revision Committee was established, to refine the translation with careful comparison to the Greek New Testament (TR).

The Committee began its task in 1990 and ended its work in 1997. All this work was done by means of regular fortnightly meetings, sometimes weekly meetings, and some occasional intensive seminar of two or three days. All work, the translator's and that of the members of the Committee, was done on a voluntary basis. The members of the Reading and Revision Committee were:

  • Mr. Milton Portugal, coordinator with the Trinitarian Bible Society
  • Mr. Ramon Rocaspana (the translator)
  • Mrs. Una Herbage (Graduated of the London Bible College, and consultant of the Bible Societies)
  • Mr. Jordi Grayling i Milian (M.A. in Classical Languages, specialized in the Greek language, and then Doctoral candidate doing research in koine Greek)
  • Mr. Antoni Mendoza i Miralles (Graduate of the A.L.E.R.T.A. Bible School, and President of Edicions Cristianes Bíbliques)
  • Mr. Santiago Escuain i Sanz (State Official Interpreter and Professor of English, translator/adapter into Spanish of W. E. Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, and of A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament, and other reference works).

The Committee, working in Barcelona, from left to right: Una Herbage, Ramon Rocaspana, Jordi Grayling, Santiago Escuain, Antoni Mendoza

The Committee, working in Cerdanyola del Vallès, following clockwise from the left: Una Herbage, Jordi Grayling, Mrs. Sarela de Portugal, Milton Portugal, Antoni Mendoza, Ramon Rocaspana, Santiago Escuain


After finishing the translation of the New Testament, in 1988 Ramon Rocaspana began translating the Old Testament from Hebrew to Catalan. The first draft was ready in 1995. From then work has been progressing towards a precise translation by another Committee, which is advancing in the task, with a possible prospect of publication of the year 2005. The final versions of the first four books of Moses are ready, as well as the Psalms, Isaiah, parts of Jeremiah and of several historical books.

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