Pilgrim Portions


Selected from the Writings, Hymns, Letters, etc., of J. N. Darby  



“Those He calls His own

—pilgrims in scenes where He has been.”



Selected by H. G.

Cover of book Pilgrim Portions




3—The Word of God

4—The Holy Spirit

5—The Perfections of Christ









14—Unbelieving fears

15—Separation from the world



18—Cross Bearing

19—Looking unto Jesus


21—The presence of God


23—Divine Affections (1)

24—Divine affections (2)


26—Songs of the night

27—The Man of sorrows


29—The all-sufficiency of Christ

30—Divine energy

31—Help from the sanctuary


33—The faithfulness of God



36—Nearness to God

37—Backsliding and restoration

38—The Light of eternity

39—Our needs and
       His fulness


41—The divine heart

42—Practical santification


44—Cheer for pilgrims

45—The will of God


47—The courts above

48—Christ is all

49—Walking with God


51—The heavently light

52—Our hope



“He is altogether lovely.”

                    Song of Solomon 5:16

Yet sure, if in Thy presence
    My soul still constant were,
Mine eye would more familiar
    Its brighter glories bear:
And thus Thy deep perfections
    Much better should I know,
And with adoring fervour
    In this Thy nature grow.

The Lord Jesus … is the summing up of all possible beauty and perfection in Himself.


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What was then the life of this Jesus, the Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief? A life of activity in obscurity, causing the love of God to penetrate the most hidden corners of society, wherever needs were greatest … this life did not shelter itself from the misery of the world … but it brought into it—precious grace!—the love of God.


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As Adam’s first act … was to seek his own will … Christ was in this world of misery, devoting Himself in love, devoting Himself to do His Father’s will. He came here emptying Himself. He came here by an act of devotedness to His Father, at all cost to Himself, that God might be glorified.


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The only act of disobedience which Adam could commit he did commit; but He, who could have done all things as to power, only used His power to display more perfect service, more perfect subjection. How blessed is the picture of the Lord’s ways!


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The more faithful He was, the more despised and opposed; the more meek, the less esteemed: but all this altered nothing, because He did all to God alone: with the multitude, with His disciples, or before His unjust judges, nothing altered the perfectness of His ways, because in all circumstances all was done to God.


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The Man Christ Jesus grew in favour with God and man. He was always the servant of everyone. The first thing that struck me some years ago in reading the gospels was, Here is a man that never did anything for Himself. What a miracle to see a man not living to himself, for He had got God for Himself.


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The gospels display the One in whom was no selfishness. They tell out the heart that was ready for everybody. No matter how deep His own sorrow, He always cared for others. He could warn Peter in Gethsemane, and comfort the dying thief on the cross. His heart was above circumstances, never acting under them, but ever according to God in them.

Self pleasing, self exalting, self advancing are ever the principles of men’s actions … In the blessed Lord … there was true devotedness of heart and affection, and service, without the smallest particle of self seeking. … The very thing man so much covets, there was the perfect absence of in Him. “I receive not honour from man.”


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We find admirable affections in the apostles … we find works, as Jesus said, greater than His own; we find exercises of heart and astonishing heights by grace … but we do not find the evenness that was in Christ. He was the Son of man who was in heaven. Such as Paul are chords on which God strikes, and on which He produces a wondrous music; but Christ is all the music itself.


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May God grant unto us to value the perfect beauty of that Jesus who came to us.

Pilgrim Portions - Meditations for the Day of Rest -

Selected from the Writings, Hymns, Letters, etc., of J. N. Darby
Scanning, OCR and revision according to the original: Santiago Escuain
© Copyright 2005, SEDIN for the digital edition - All rights reserved.

SEDIN-Servicio Evangélico
Apartat 2002
(Barcelona) ESPAÑA
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