Pilgrim Portions


Selected from the Writings, Hymns, Letters, etc., of J. N. Darby  



“Those He calls His own

—pilgrims in scenes where He has been.”



Selected by H. G.

Cover of book Pilgrim Portions




3—The Word of God

4—The Holy Spirit

5—The Perfections of Christ









14—Unbelieving fears

15—Separation from the world



18—Cross Bearing

19—Looking unto Jesus


21—The presence of God


23—Divine Affections (1)

24—Divine affections (2)


26—Songs of the night

27—The Man of sorrows


29—The all-sufficiency of Christ

30—Divine energy

31—Help from the sanctuary


33—The faithfulness of God



36—Nearness to God

37—Backsliding and restoration

38—The Light of eternity

39—Our needs and
       His fulness


41—The divine heart

42—Practical santification


44—Cheer for pilgrims

45—The will of God


47—The courts above

48—Christ is all

49—Walking with God


51—The heavently light

52—Our hope



Jesus only.”

                    Mark 9:8

The heart is satisfied; can ask no more;

    All thought of self is now for ever o’er:

Christ, its unmingled object, fills the heart

    In blest adoring love—its endless part.

Christ is the key to the puzzle of this world.


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May God give us to be anything or nothing, so that the Lord Jesus may be everything.


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The magnet always turns towards the pole; the needle always trembles a little when the storm and tempest roar, but its direction changes not; the needle of the christian heart always points towards Christ.


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The only thing which can be truly blessing to our brethren, so precious because they belong to Him, is that which we reproduce of Him.


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It is in Christ that all our thoughts are adjusted, set right, judged, and purified; for the infiniteness of God Himself staggers the littleness of the heart of man when Christ does not give him a sure support; without depriving him of anything of the fulness which is in God, but quite the contrary, it is in Him that we appreciate what He is.


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If He is the life, all which that life does has Him for its end and object. … Everything relates to Him: we do not eat without Him (how can we when He is our very life?), we do not drink without Him; what we say, what we do, is said and done in the name of the Lord Jesus.


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The most eminent Christian is one of whom no one has ever heard speak, some poor labourer or servant, whose all is Christ, and who does all for HIS eye, and His alone.


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Jesus is the fountain of all blessedness, sent to poor, weak, wretched sinners, that they may have abundance of comfort, of peace and of enjoyment.


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We must find everything but Christ nothing.


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No trial can touch a person who has Christ for his all. He may have lost this or lost that; but if he has Christ he has that which he cannot lose.


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It is not the quantity we do that makes spirituality, but the measure of presenting Christ: that is the value of our service, in a world where there is nothing of God.


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It is not always in the correction of the failures which come before us that sources of unhappiness are healed; they disappear when souls are nourished upon the riches which are in Christ. We must think of this; we must, while ourselves feeding upon Christ—and He gives us to feed on Him without stint—cause others to breathe a new atmosphere, where Christ is.


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He has purchased a “peculiar people, to be zealous of good works.” He has brought you to Himself, to have your whole heart wrapped up in His interests, your thoughts, actions, everything for Him. … Are we living enough out of the world (not merely out of its pleasures but its cares) and enough with Christ for Him to have a large place in the daily thoughts of our hearts? … Have we the consciousness from the time we get up in the morning till we go to bed at night, that our hearts are with Christ, … a consciousness that He is in us, and we identified with Him?

Pilgrim Portions - Meditations for the Day of Rest -

Selected from the Writings, Hymns, Letters, etc., of J. N. Darby
Scanning, OCR and revision according to the original: Santiago Escuain
© Copyright 2005, SEDIN for the digital edition - All rights reserved.

SEDIN-Servicio Evangélico
Apartat 2002
(Barcelona) ESPAÑA
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