Pilgrim Portions


Selected from the Writings, Hymns, Letters, etc., of J. N. Darby  



“Those He calls His own

—pilgrims in scenes where He has been.”



Selected by H. G.

Cover of book Pilgrim Portions




3—The Word of God

4—The Holy Spirit

5—The Perfections of Christ









14—Unbelieving fears

15—Separation from the world



18—Cross Bearing

19—Looking unto Jesus


21—The presence of God


23—Divine Affections (1)

24—Divine affections (2)


26—Songs of the night

27—The Man of sorrows


29—The all-sufficiency of Christ

30—Divine energy

31—Help from the sanctuary


33—The faithfulness of God



36—Nearness to God

37—Backsliding and restoration

38—The Light of eternity

39—Our needs and
       His fulness


41—The divine heart

42—Practical santification


44—Cheer for pilgrims

45—The will of God


47—The courts above

48—Christ is all

49—Walking with God


51—The heavently light

52—Our hope



Men shall be lovers
of self.

                    2 Timothy. 3:2 (New Translation)

O man! how hast thou proved

    What in thy heart is found;

By grace divine unmoved,

    By self in fetters bound.

The flesh always pens itself in, because it is selfish. When we are in the Spirit there is always unity.


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Impossible when we think of ourselves to be witnesses to others of what God is!


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The grief, which egotism and self-love produce, makes room for the action of the evil spirit on the soul.


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Love likes to be a servant, and selfishness likes to be served.


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If I get hold of the path, the spirit, the mind of Jesus, nothing could be more hateful to me than anything of self. You never find an act of self in Christ. Not merely was there no selfishness, but there was no self in Him.


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When the soul is cast upon God the Lord is with the soul in the trial, and the mind is kept perfectly calm. The Spirit of love, the Spirit of Christ is there; if thinking of myself this is the spirit of selfishness.


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The Holy Spirit has no fellowship with … self. The heart is not delivered from it until the Spirit has guided our thoughts to Jesus. … The effectual presence of the Spirit crucifies egotism and gives freedom of thought about ourselves … it occupies us with but one object—Jesus.


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We have the privilege to have done with ourselves in the house and bosom of God.


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Our own will and making ourselves the centre is the spring of all our wretchedness; for outward circumstances may be trying—may give sorrow, but not wretchedness—where this is it is the fruit of will, restless and discontented.


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Our natural tendency is to get pleasures for self. Innocent they may be but they take the heart from God; they are spoiled by sin. People ask the harm of these things. The question is, What use are you making of them, and where is your heart? The moment there is a turning from the cross (death to everything) our Lord says, “Get thee behind me.”

Moses did not seek to have his face shine, nor even know when it did, but when he had been with God it did so. … A shining face never sees itself. The heart is occupied with Christ, and in a certain sense and measure self is gone.


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Self is always alienation from God.


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Self confidence is ruin. “Be not wise in thine own eyes.” They do not see far if they only see self, and that is what always is in our own eyes.


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Our prayers, our praises and our services are so poor and worthless, and yet we are proud of them. We seek praise from our fellowmen for the very things we have to confess as tainted with sin before God. What need, therefore, to bare our hearts and say, “See if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Pilgrim Portions - Meditations for the Day of Rest -

Selected from the Writings, Hymns, Letters, etc., of J. N. Darby
Scanning, OCR and revision according to the original: Santiago Escuain
© Copyright 2005, SEDIN for the digital edition - All rights reserved.

SEDIN-Servicio Evangélico
Apartat 2002
(Barcelona) ESPAÑA
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