Pilgrim Portions


Selected from the Writings, Hymns, Letters, etc., of J. N. Darby  



“Those He calls His own

—pilgrims in scenes where He has been.”



Selected by H. G.

Cover of book Pilgrim Portions




3—The Word of God

4—The Holy Spirit

5—The Perfections of Christ









14—Unbelieving fears

15—Separation from the world



18—Cross Bearing

19—Looking unto Jesus


21—The presence of God


23—Divine Affections (1)

24—Divine affections (2)


26—Songs of the night

27—The Man of sorrows


29—The all-sufficiency of Christ

30—Divine energy

31—Help from the sanctuary


33—The faithfulness of God



36—Nearness to God

37—Backsliding and restoration

38—The Light of eternity

39—Our needs and
       His fulness


41—The divine heart

42—Practical santification


44—Cheer for pilgrims

45—The will of God


47—The courts above

48—Christ is all

49—Walking with God


51—The heavently light

52—Our hope



God is Light.

                    1 John 1:5

In Thy light shall we
see light.

                    Psalm 36:9

Come, fill my soul! Thy light is ever pure

    And brings from heaven what Thou alone
        canst give,

Yea, brings Thyself, the revelation sure

    Of heaven’s eternal bliss: in Thee we live.

It is only the presence of God as light which can cause us to condemn ourselves, and gives us power to purify ourselves from our deepest and well-known though hidden idols.


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It is a time to be entirely heavenly, for the earth is far from God, and daily its darkness closes in, but we belong to the light, and await another day.


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How happy one is to belong to Him, and in His light to see light! How brilliant and glorious is this light to those who are from home, awaiting … the coming of this precious Saviour, who will set them in heaven as the rays of His glory and jewels of His crown … as the bride of His heart.


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Too often a healing of a humbling state of things is sought more than the state of soul which has given occasion to it … and if we do not wait God’s doing … we have to await the effect of not doing it. There is but One that can bring the light that judges conscience into the soul: on Him we can count. … We cannot hasten God; He, when He is working, will have all things real.


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I have never seen a soul living in its experiences and occupied with itself, with whom the “I” had not a place, without the person’s being aware of it. … We do not become acquainted with ourselves by thinking about ourselves: for while we think of Him the “I” disappears: one is in the light, where one is not occupied with oneself.


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Does my path in everyday life come from the light, and is it guided by it? … All will be bright where it is with God. There will be trials, and trials with God are perhaps the brightest spots in any man’s life.


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Mere integrity will not suffice without God to find out evil. An honest natural man may use his conscience, but as the natural eye must have light to search with, so we the presence of Him who is light.


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“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself unto him.” … The path in which He enjoyed His Father’s love was a path of unclouded joy, and it was a path of undivided obedience. He here shews His disciples if they are to walk in the light and favour of His countenance, they must walk in the same path as He did Himself.


* / * | * \ *

O! dwell with me; let no distracting thought

  Intrude to hide from me that heavenly light ;

Be Thou my strength! Let not what Thou hast brought

  Be chased by idle nature’s poor delight.

Pilgrim Portions - Meditations for the Day of Rest -

Selected from the Writings, Hymns, Letters, etc., of J. N. Darby
Scanning, OCR and revision according to the original: Santiago Escuain
© Copyright 2005, SEDIN for the digital edition - All rights reserved.

SEDIN-Servicio Evangélico
Apartat 2002
(Barcelona) ESPAÑA
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