Pilgrim Portions


Selected from the Writings, Hymns, Letters, etc., of J. N. Darby  



“Those He calls His own

—pilgrims in scenes where He has been.”



Selected by H. G.

Cover of book Pilgrim Portions




3—The Word of God

4—The Holy Spirit

5—The Perfections of Christ









14—Unbelieving fears

15—Separation from the world



18—Cross Bearing

19—Looking unto Jesus


21—The presence of God


23—Divine Affections (1)

24—Divine affections (2)


26—Songs of the night

27—The Man of sorrows


29—The all-sufficiency of Christ

30—Divine energy

31—Help from the sanctuary


33—The faithfulness of God



36—Nearness to God

37—Backsliding and restoration

38—The Light of eternity

39—Our needs and
       His fulness


41—The divine heart

42—Practical santification


44—Cheer for pilgrims

45—The will of God


47—The courts above

48—Christ is all

49—Walking with God


51—The heavently light

52—Our hope



All power is given

unto me.

                    Matthew 28:18

Behold, I give unto you power …

over all the power of the enemy.

                    Luke 10:19

God has been glorified in Man;

    Man sits at God’s right hand:

Obedient in the race He ran,

    Can now all power command.

When there are great arrangements for carrying on work, there is not the recognition of this inherent blessing, which “tarrieth not for the sons of men.” I do not tarry for men if I have faith in God, and act upon the strength of that. Let a man act as the Lord leads him. The Spirit of God is not to be fettered by man. All power arises from the direct authoritative energy of the Holy Ghost in the individual.


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Uncompromising firmness becomes us, yet calmness, and nothing keeps the soul so calm as a sense of grace. This is a sign of power, and moreover connected with humbleness. … A sense of nothingness, with the spirit of peace gives a power to surmount all things.


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It is not the quantity but the quality of my labour which ever troubles me. I do nothing else, and labour … without stint, but it is inward power, abstraction of heart to Christ, so as to come from the fulness of power in Him, and have nothing there which hinders absolute association of mind with His thoughts and purposes—Himself. … It is a different thing coming in the consciousness that we come from Him, as in His confidence, and having His message.


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It is Christ Himself that becomes your power—the power of Christ resting upon you. His power you get in your weakness as your power to walk through this world.


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In prayer God is ours, power is put in motion.


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It is all important for us to get to the end of ourselves. … All our work feels the effect of our state, and a heart full of Christ and the seriousness of dealing with souls for eternity, which we feel when full of Him, and speaking from Him, gives weight and unction to it.


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We cannot be the full epistle of Christ unless we exhibit power over all obstacles—even over death. Death is given us. The believer living in the power of Christ’s life has entire power over death.


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We are not to be occupied with evil, or be in any way terrified with the adversary, as if the Lord had not the upper hand. He has overcome and is leading on to a full blessing, when the enemy will be bound. We must go on in the confidence that power belongs to Him and is in His hands.


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In every case it is where God would have us to be that we find His precious blessing. Without Him we can do nothing. When He works in His grace, how happy one is to be the instrument of His power and goodness! The exercises of our hearts even, in the difficulties of the work, lead us to Him, and everything that does this is in blessing for us.


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There is power in Christ, there is sufficiency in Christ for all He would have you to do or be.

Pilgrim Portions - Meditations for the Day of Rest -

Selected from the Writings, Hymns, Letters, etc., of J. N. Darby
Scanning, OCR and revision according to the original: Santiago Escuain
© Copyright 2005, SEDIN for the digital edition - All rights reserved.

SEDIN-Servicio Evangélico
Apartat 2002
(Barcelona) ESPAÑA
It may be reproduced wholly or in part for non-commercial purposes provided credit is given
by quoting the above and this notice.




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